Wednesday | 22 May 2024
Registration & Morning Refreshments
Opening Karakia
Chairperson’s Opening Address
Jan Sheppard, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, ESR – Science for Communities
International Keynote: Building a Data-Driven Government: Lessons Learned from Estonia’s Journey
In this presentation, attendees will gain a strategic overview of Estonia’s government digital and data transformation journey, presented by the country’s Chief Data Officer, Ott Velsberg. Estonia has emerged as a leader in e-government and has undergone a significant digital transformation journey. The country has leveraged AI to achieve its goals, with more than 120 AI use cases already implemented in government and an ambitious goal of building an AI based government by 2030. Through utilising data the country aims to make public services easier to use and more accessible while creating a seamless and proactive citizen-centric government. During the presentation, Velsberg will share the successes and challenges of Estonia’s digital and data transformation journey, drawing on his experience as the Chief Data Officer. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the lessons learned throughout this journey and receive practical advice on how to embark on their own digital and data transformation journeys. Highlights of Estonia’s data initiatives, including the citizen virtual assistant Bürokratt, open data, data governance, data stewardship, citizen-centric data governance, data tracker will also be presented
Ott Velsberg, Government Chief Data Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia
Partner Presentation
Keynote Panel: Developing Data Governance and Leveraging AI, Emerging Technologies to Build Maturity
What role can AI, automation and technology play in dismantling siloed operating models to streamline processes, improve data quality and compliance?
Establishing robust data governance frameworks: Strategies for cultivating accurate, reliable, and high-quality data
Best practices for integrating new data and analytics technologies with existing legacy systems
Ethical considerations and governance for automation systems
Moderator: Atilio Ranzuglia, Head of Data and AI, Palmerston North City Council
Bryan Ng, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Te Taurapa Tūhono New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE)
Wendy Hamilton, General Manager Data System Capability, Data System Leadership, Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
Kari Jones, Chief Data Officer, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand; Expert Member, International Institute for Analytics
Brian Ferris, Chief Data, Analytics & Technology Officer, Loyalty NZ
Networking Bingo
Morning Tea
Case Study: Enhancing Public Service Delivery through Community Data Collaboration
Understanding the value of transparency in data to build citizen trust
Community Voice: What role can community partnerships play in capturing meaningful, quality data?
Utilising community generated data sources, to optimise decision making and enhance public service delivery
Malcom Mersham, Data and Information Lead, Trust Tairāwhiti
Partner Presentation
Keynote Panel: Next Steps to Achieving Data Collaboration and Interoperability
Departing from legacy systems: How to integrate diverse and modular data systems to enable a consistent, seamless flow of data
Strategies for developing your infrastructure to enable data interoperability
The value of sharing data across functional teams and agencies to enhance shared outcomes in a cost-effective manner
Overcoming the challenges of open data standards: how to effectively collate and manage real-time data to meet citizen expectations
Paul Stone, Principal Advisor Information and Data Governance, Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
Networking Lunch
Partner Presentation
Introduction to Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Delegates will be able to participate in two sessions of their choosing. Each session will run for 30 minutes.
Breakout A: Open Data Platforms
Breakout B: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Breakout C: Data Science & Machine Learning
Breakout D: Data Quality & Data Cleansing
Breakout E: Data Governance & Compliance
Breakout F: Data Visualisation & Dashboarding
Afternoon Tea
Panel Discussion: Navigating the Challenges of Data Privacy and Security
Strategies for effectively managing privacy regulations when integrating data into new technologies
Mitigating risks of data exposures by implementing data awareness training across your organisation
Developing data ethics capabilities: How can ethical data use help extract meaningful insights and enhance service delivery?
Emma MacDonald, Director | Establishment Director, Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
Peter Gavin, General Manager, Data & Analytics, ANZ
Chairperson’s Closing Address
End of Summit and Networking Drinks